January 9, 2020

Stock Markets

Route to Stock Market Millionaire Milestone – Journey From Street To Highway

Stock market’s theory of profits & millionaire milestone

Well this is my definition of stock markets as i see it & sense it – with all my years of maturity being in the market. Most often, there are 4 kinds of mindset hats which usually drives people to stock markets – Strategy Mindset, Success Mindset, Profit Mindset & then Greed Mindset.. Click to Continue reading

How to Analyse Businesses while investing

How do you analyse businesses & hedge against inflation in your normal life? (Inflation = rise in purchasing power)

This is one of the most common question either i pose to my mentee’s or i get usually quizzed up on while i mentor. It is best understood, when i would answer it with an example which also is the best solution by itself.  Click to Continue reading

Terminologies in Equity Markets

Terminologies that are frequently used in Equity Markets..

Face Value, Book Value, Market Value.. Click to Continue reading

Are Your Investment Ideas Influenced By Analyst’s On TV? Well, Think Again, Know The Biases Of Markets

Investing means different things to different people. There is no one person who can possibly be an expert at the entire subject

Same Market, Different Directions: Everyone has a different opinion about the direction of the markets & the future of this world we are living in. Read More.. 

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Understanding Business Models

To invest in Equities, You Must Understand businesses & its business models too..

Well – If you have no time or no interest to understand the business of the company you are investing – Your probability of choosing a better company is equal to a monkey @ 50:50 . Click to Continue reading

An Investors Guide To Understand Difference Between Investing In Large Cap Companies Vs Small Cap Companies

Understand how business is conducted in each of these categories & challenges they face as a business? Who should invest in them?

Whenever a business analysis is done – there are always two kinds of views that are presented to the world – . One is “Theoretical View” & other is “Realists View / Practical View as per present day dynamics, the business operates in”. Read More.. 

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Judging Quality of Management

How Important is to judge Quality of Management & Governance of a Company?

Governance in simplest sense means telling the ‘Truth’ in all aspects of life. Well in business interestingly the management can either be ethical or not ethical – they cant be in between the two.  Click to Continue reading

Critical Business Drivers

Which are the Critical Business Drivers / Success factors of firms?

Well, each industry will have a specific set of factors that affects its profitability & its growth prospects. These few indicative examples which could help you in how to set your focus on what matters most.. Click to Continue reading

GST Helpful?

Is GST really helpful for common man or just corporates?

From an economic perspective – GST as a tax policy is an extremely diligent tool for driving tax governance in any country, as most tax loopholes can be fixed & even if not – it can still give authorities enough directions to plug them. Click to Continue reading


Business Models


To invest in Equities, You Must Understand businesses & its business models too..

Well – If you have no time or no interest to understand the business of the company you are investing – Your probability of choosing a better company is equal to a monkey @ 50:50 . Click to Continue reading

Learn To Grow Along With Economy & Benefit More From Stimulus package From Government or Farm Loan Waivers!

Learn How To Stay Invested In Stock Markets To Reap The Direct Benefit Of Government Stimulus Package

Learn To Grow Along With Economy & Benefit More From Stimulus package From Government or Farm Loan Waivers! Click to Continue reading

Monetary Policy & Its impact on YOU

What are Monetary Policies & how do one judge them ? how do they impact Economy?

I am sure most of you may be having this question – with the raising & lowering of interest rates of your loans & having an effect on your EMI’s.. Click to Continue reading

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